Topics discussed:

The development of the Grey Theory system

  1. The gap between the GST theory and its application;;
  2. The process of systems cognition: determining the essence of the system, objective existence of quality and subjective existence of information;
  3. The nature of black systems and white systems: formulating the essence of uncertainty as a result of the cognitive process;
  4. The ways of modelling uncertainty with examples (probability, fuzzy numbers, approximate sets, grey numbers): identification of the essence of grey numbers and the degree of greyness;
  5. The concepts of grey space;
  6. The uses of grey systems in management sciences

Methodology and tools grey

  1. Grey Incidence Analysis methodology
  2. An example of GIA application in the field of the quality management.
  3. An introductory exercise to GIA application in the varied research areas for studying the grey relations.

Research and development plans of the Polish Scientific Society for Grey Systems

The founding members of the Polish Scientific Association of Grey Systems were the trainers of school:

Ewa Więcek-Janka PhD (president PSAGS)

Marcin Nowak PhD (member PSAGS)

Joanna Majchrzak PhD (member PSAGS