Ewa Więcek-Janka

A founding member of PSAGS (Polish Scientific Association of Grey Systems) and a member PTZP (Polish Association of Production Management) and European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS). 

An employee in the Department of Marketing and Economic Control at the Faculty of Management Engineering at Poznan University of Technology. The author and co-author of 168 publications, including books on applied management tools, among others: Industrial Marketing, 2000; Changes and conflicts in the organization, 2006; Decisions and Marketing Game, 2010; Mathematical Statistics, 2010; Designing marketing research 2011, Games and Decisions 2011, Marketing Services & Logistics, 2011; Wielkopolska monitoring and forecasting in vocational training, 2011; Organization of service activities, 2011; Leading value in the management of family businesses, 2013; The essential of marketing research, 2015.

A coordinator or a member of 10 scientific projects. The most important are as follows Codes value – effective succession in the Polish family businessesAIM4IT – International research project “Mobility without barriers of virtual travel assistant”, Methodology research psychologistProject Erasmus Plus: A method of accelerated development of transversal competences in the practical training. She was also a participant in expert teams responsible for establishing the Polish government’s position on family firms in drawing up the Economic and Social Committee in the European Parliament as well as in the expert team of specialists on studies opinion on family businesses for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs in the European Parliament. She took part in an expert discussion on “Family businesses. Opportunities and Challenges” in the European Parliament in Brussels in 2015. She conducted an expert panel concerning “Innovation in Companies Family” at the Second International Congress of the Family Business in Poznań. She was an expert in the “Employer of Tomorrow 2015” organized by Polityka Magazine and the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development in Warsaw. In the association she is involved in preparing research processes and implementing GST tools for research processes.