Rafał Mierzwiak

A founding member of PSAGS (Polish Scientific Association of Grey Systems). He is a graduate of Poznan University of Technology in Poland in the faculty of Management and Marketing.

In his professional career he specializes in implementing pro quality systems, innovative heuristic techniques and management methods in companies. He has an experience as an expert in such branches as production, construction, food industry, finances and IT. At present, he is an assistant in Chair of Marketing and Economics at Poznan University of Technology and a lecturer in WSB University of Banking in Poznan and since 2017 a post-doc researcher at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In his research work, he focuses on applications of grey systems theory in management. In this area, the most important are his publications in famous scientific magazines, for example, Journal of Cleaner Production, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Journal of Grey System, and Grey Systems: Theory and Application. He received a prize for the best paper at the conference for young scientists in Cracow and was also awarded for his work in grey systems area at the grey system conference in Leicester. In 2016 he was chosen a Deputy Secretary General of the International Association of Grey Systems and Uncertainty Analysis. What is more, he managed two projects for young scientists at the Faculty of Management Engineering and he took part in projects supported by the European Social Fund and National Centre for the Research and Development. He regularly participates in national and international conferences.